Fatal Snares

Odeholm Audio

Regular price $35.00 Sale

Fatal Snares don't just pack a punch, they deliver an all-out deathblow. 

These highly sought-after snares come in three tunings per shell (along with the option to adjust pitch) and are compatible with both Slate Trigger and the full versions of Native Instruments' Kontakt 5.5 and above. 

Each snare comes in a raw and processed variant:

Start from scratch with the drum's natural tone. Our raw samples allow you to create your own signature sound by blending six mic options together. These include:

🥁 2x Snare Top Mics
🥁 1x Snare Bottom Mic
🥁 1x Stereo Overheads
🥁 1x Stereo Room
🥁 1x Mono Room

Switch to the processed version of each shell to harness the power of Buster's personal EQ and compression choices. With just two faders controlling the direct and room sounds, we've made sure it's super easy to get a jaw-breaking snare sound in just a few clicks. 

Shells Included:

(All snares are high-end, premium models that you know and love, but we've changed the names cos y'know... lawyers.)

🥁 Taiwan BP 14 x 6 (Low)
🥁 Taiwan BP 14 x 6 (Mid)

🥁 Taiwan BP 14 x 6 (High)

🥁 Chicago Witchcraft 14 x 8 (Low)
🥁 Chicago Witchcraft 14 x 8 (Mid)

🥁 Chicago Witchcraft 14 x 8 (High)

🥁 Swiss Maple Custom 14 x 8 (Low)
🥁 Swiss Maple Custom 14 x 8 (Mid)
🥁 Swiss Maple Custom 14 x 8 (High)

🥁 Swiss Aluminium Custom 14 x 7 (Low)
🥁 Swiss Aluminium Custom 14 x 7 (Mid)
🥁 Swiss Aluminium Custom 14 x 7 (High)

Tech Specs


🥁 Ghost // Soft // Medium // Hard // Even Harder

Sample Count:
🥁 5762 samples
🥁 10x round robin per articulation.

Included formats:
🥁 NKI (Kontakt)
🥁 TCI (Slate Trigger)

Kontakt Compatibility
Requires a full version of Kontakt V5.8 or later. Fatal Snares will run in demo mode only if you're using Kontakt Player, although you can work around this by printing the audio before it times out.

Refund Policy
We regretfully state that, due to the irrevocable nature of digital goods, we are unable to issue a refund on any purchase of this product.